Hyper-reality and the digital renaissance
Hyper-reality and the digital renaissance (MM50)
Examples: Periscope, Skype and Cinemas
Theories: Theodore Adorno, Jean Baudrillard, Stuart Hall and B+K
Positive aspects: Allows people to easily share news and views and new levels to be reached in terms relations of the relation between the modern media culture and itsthe audience
Negative aspects: Fake news, cyber bullying and lack of realism
Theories: Theodore Adorno, Jean Baudrillard, Stuart Hall and B+K
Positive aspects: Allows people to easily share news and views and new levels to be reached in terms relations of the relation between the modern media culture and itsthe audience
Negative aspects: Fake news, cyber bullying and lack of realism
1) The article was written in 2009. Offer three examples of more recent social networking sites or uses of technology that support the idea of a 'digital renaissance'.
1. Snapchat which revolves around videos and pictures that surface for around 24hrs rather than chats or texts
2. Periscope, live streaming that can be viewed and cannot be censored or edited during the duration.
3.Twitter where users can comment their views, thoughts and ideas very quickly with each other, including public figures and influential figures such as Donald trump and Justin Bieber
2) How do live streaming services such as Periscope or Facebook Live fit into the idea of a 'digital renaissance'? Are these a force for good or simply a further blurring of reality?
Live streaming services fit into the subject of digital renaissance because with these live streams there can be a facade or heavily pixel-ed image created by users. In addition, it is important to note that these services is that they are instant therefore they provide content to users instantly and in real time so its more of a reality. In conclusion these sites help elevate society whilst having its flaws such as extremism and blurred reality.
3) How can we link the 'digital renaissance' to our case study on news? Is citizen journalism a further example of hyper-reality or is it actually making news more accurate and closer to real life?
This links in with citizen journalism as it is in tune with technology such as these apps. we can have more raw and accurate viewpoint through it being filmed live by a civilian and the lack of editing making it more believable and emotional.
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